Looking for the best dog food for your pet? We explore the brands considered the ‘best dog food’ in Australia.
Author: petchemist
Why is EpiOtic being relaunched as EpiOtic SIS?
Virbac is releasing the new EpiOtic SIS to replace the much loved EpiOtic ear cleanser. What is this new formula and how is it different from the old one?
How often should you change cat litter?
Are you not sure how often you should change cat litter? We review the factors affecting how long you can wait before scrubbing out your litter tray.
Denamarin for dogs: Liver support
Denamarin for dogs and cats is one of the best supplements for our pets’ liver support and care. Let’s look at why it works and if your pet needs it.
Antinol Rapid, joint supplement for your pet
Antinol Rapid is a groundbreaking next step when it comes to canine joint health and mobility. It is clinically proven to work as an antioxidant and as a powerful anti-inflammatory, which helps to protect our best friend’s joints so that they can run and play without joint pain.
Zylkene: How it helps anxiety & stress in pets
Discover the reasons why so many people are choosing Zylkene to treat their pet’s anxiety in a natural, risk-free way.
4CYTE For Dogs: Is this the best joint supplement for dogs?
When it comes to large breeds, seniors, or dogs with joint disorders, we need to prioritise their joint care. So what is 4CYTE and why is so good for your dog’s joints?
Best price on Bravecto
Tick and flea treatments can be costly. Luckily, Pet Chemist offers the lowest prices on Bravecto products and the best savings for Bravecto on a budget.
How an online pharmacy works in Australia
In a world where everything is done online, is it safe to order our pet’s medication online too? Here’s how Australian online animal pharmacies work.
Nationwide shortage of tick anti-serum (TAS)
We wanted to reach out to our customers to share an important update with you regarding a nation-wide shortage of paralysis tick anti-serum (TAS).