C5 vaccination for dogs

C5 Vaccination For Dogs
dog injecting by vet doctor

There are a number of vaccinations that your dog needs to stay healthy and safe. As a pet owner, it is important to keep up with the vaccinations schedule recommended by your veterinarian to ensure that your dog is fully protected against dangerous diseases.

The recommended standard annual vaccination for dogs in Australia is called the “C5” vaccine, which protects your dog from Canine Parvovirus, Canine Distemper, Canine Adenovirus (Canine Hepatitis), Bordetella Bronchiseptica, and Parainfluenza. These diseases spread by direct contact with affected dogs, contact with affected dogs’ feces, or passively in the environment. As a result, no matter how careful you think you’re with your dog, getting them vaccinated is the best thing you can do to protect them from this nasty virus.

Keep reading for some insight into the diseases your dog will be vulnerable to if you don’t choose to vaccinate.


Canine Parvovirus is a highly contagious virus that is endemic in Australia (which means it will always be lurking in the soil) and is easily spread from infected dogs. It causes profuse bloody diarrhoea and vomiting. Affected dogs have a high fever and can die despite the best treatment. In addition, the virus attacks the dog’s white blood cells, which can lead to serious secondary infections.


Canine Distemper is a highly contagious viral disease that affects dogs of all ages but is most commonly seen in puppies. The virus causes fever, discharge from the eyes and nose, diarrhoea, and vomiting. It also causes rough skin to form on the footpads (which is why this disease used to be called “hard pad”). Distemper can be fatal in young puppies, and dogs that do recover can have seizures or have other brain abnormalities as they get older.


Canine Adenovirus is a highly contagious virus that affects the liver and kidneys of dogs. It is seen most commonly in puppies but can affect dogs of any age. Symptoms include fever, loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhoea, and jaundice (yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes). Dogs that recover from this disease can be left with lifelong liver damage.


Bordetella Bronchiseptica is the bacteria that causes “kennel cough,” a highly contagious respiratory infection. It is spread through close contact with infected dogs and can cause a dry hacking cough, fever, and loss of appetite. In severe cases, it can lead to pneumonia.


Parainfluenza is another virus that causes respiratory infection in dogs. It is most commonly seen in young puppies but can affect dogs of any age. Symptoms include coughing, sneezing, runny nose, and fever. Similar to Bordetella Bronchiseptica it can also lead to pneumonia.

As you can see, these diseases are serious business. If you’re still not convinced that vaccinations are necessary for your dog, consider this: the cost of vaccinations is a lot cheaper than the cost of treating your dog if they catch one of these diseases. Not to mention the fact that vaccinations will protect your dog from a lifetime of suffering.

Your dog should have their first vaccinations between six and eight weeks old. They will then need a booster vaccination every twelve months to maintain their immunity. If your dog is going to contact other dogs regularly, such as at a doggy daycare or boarding kennel, they may need more frequent vaccinations. Speak to your veterinarian about what vaccinations are recommended for your dog.

It is important to keep up with the vaccinations schedule recommended by your veterinarian to ensure that your dog is fully protected against dangerous diseases.

If you have any questions regarding your vaccination schedule for your pet, please feel free to contact us by filling out the contact form here. You can also keep reading for more information on how you can order prescription medication through the Pet Chemist website. You can keep up with all of our pet care tips and advice by following along on Instagram and Facebook.

The Pet Chemist’s medication

Pet Chemist Online facilitates the supply of prescription medications by an Australian registered pharmacist through our website. When purchasing prescription medication through Pet Chemist Online you know that:

  • All prescription medication supplied is sourced from Australian veterinary wholesalers and Australian registered pharmacists,
  • All medication available is registered with the Australian Government (TGA or APVMA) or prepared by an Australian registered compounding pharmacist,
  • All medication supplied is processed and dispensed by Australian-registered pharmacists.

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