3 ways to protect your pet against parasites

dog cat parasite control

As the weather gets warmer, fleas, ticks, worms and other parasites become more active and eager to hitch a ride on your beloved pet. Fleas, ticks, heartworm and intestinal worms can cause very serious illnesses for your pet. Thankfully though, they’re preventable.

Keep reading to learn how to identify parasites, recognise symptoms, and most importantly how to help your pet avoid getting any of these nasties!

Symptoms of dog fleas, ticks or worms – what to look out for:

  • Your pet will become excessively itchy
  • Any localised hair loss
  • Any grain-like eggs, flea dirt (the excrement of these small pests on your pet’s skin) or even the parasites themselves

How to treat flea, tick and worm infestations:

Treatment plans generally include topical treatment, oral medication or both.

  • Treat your pet as soon as you identify the infestation, to ensure the matter doesn’t become a more significant health issue.
  • Remember also to wash and sanitise any items and spaces your pet has been in to prevent re-infestation.
  • Seek medical advice from our team or your local Vet, who can help provide more personalised care.

How to prevent a parasite infestation:

  • Stay up-to-date with your pet’s regular flea, tick & worm treatment. Schedule doses in your calendar so you never fall behind.
  • Make sure the medication hasn’t expired, and make sure you follow the instructions very carefully to ensure effectiveness.
  • Regularly inspect your pet for parasites, especially during the warmer months.

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